Glossary C
Carbon brush is being used to transfer electrical current from a moving (usually rotating) to a stationary point within an electric circuit.
Controlled conditions is described as a non-natural environment that is intensively manipulated by human intervention for the purpose of plant production.
Crude oil is described as a mixture of thousands of chemicals and compounds, primarily hydrocarbons.
A container bridge, also known as a container gantry crane or ship-to-shore crane, is a large crane used in ports and container terminals for the handling of shipping containers. It is designed to lift and move containers from the container ships to the dock or vice versa. Container bridges typically have a high lifting capacity and are equipped with specialized spreader bars to securely grip and lift containers of various sizes and weights.
Deutsch: Sammlung / Español: Colección / Português: Coleção / Français: Collection / Italiano: Collezione /
Collection pertains to an artificial accumulation of materials devoted to a single theme, person, event, or type of document acquired from a variety of sources.