Glossary C
Deutsch: Rolle / Español: Bobina / Português: Bobina / Français: Bobine / Italiano: Bobina /
Coil is a term often used to describe a suspension spring or the component that is formed when several turns of wire are wound on a cylindrical form or on a metal core.
Chisel is described as an edge tool or instrument with a flat steel blade with a cutting edge on one end of a metal blade, used in dressing, shaping, or working in timber, stone, metal, etc. that is usually driven by a mallet or hammer. Moreover, metal chisels.can be used for widening cracks and chipping out plaster.
The Chief Information Officer (CIO) is the senior strategic-level management position that oversees all information technology systems and personnel for MAF, concentrating on long-range information system planning and strategy.
Centre is in British english which refers to a central area or a place where a specified activity is concentrated or specified facilities, information, etc are available.
Deutsch: Kompressor / Español: Compresor / Português: Compressor / Français: Compresseur / Italiano: Compressore /
Compressor refers to the pump that moves the refrigerant from the indoor evaporator Coil to the outdoor condensing unit and back to the evaporator. The compressor functions as the heart of the system, because it circulates the refrigerant in a loop.