Deutsch: Akkreditierung / Español: Acreditación / Português: Acreditação / Français: Accréditation / Italiano: Accreditamento

Accreditation in the industrial context refers to the formal recognition by an authoritative body that an organisation, institution, or specific process meets established standards of quality, competence, and reliability. It ensures that entities involved in manufacturing, testing, or service delivery adhere to industry-specific norms, promoting trust, consistency, and compliance across sectors.

Deutsch: Asbestose / Español: Asbestosis / Português: Asbestose / Français: Asbestose / Italiano: Asbestosi

Asbestosis in the industrial context refers to a chronic lung disease caused by prolonged inhalation of asbestos fibres, which are used in various industrial applications due to their heat resistance and durability. The disease is characterised by inflammation and scarring (fibrosis) of lung tissue, leading to breathing difficulties and other severe health issues.

Deutsch: Audiosystem / Español: Sistema de audio / Português: Sistema de áudio / Français: Système audio / Italiano: Sistema audio

Audio system in the industrial context refers to integrated setups designed to produce, control, and distribute sound within industrial or commercial environments. These systems are tailored for specific functions such as communication, safety alerts, public address (PA), or enhancing user experiences in entertainment or commercial spaces.

Deutsch: Markise / Español: Toldo / Português: Toldos / Français: Auvent / Italiano: Tenda

Awning in the industrial context refers to a protective covering or structure, typically made of fabric, metal, or polycarbonate, that is installed over windows, doors, or open spaces. It provides shade, weather protection, and energy efficiency for buildings or outdoor areas in industrial, commercial, or residential settings.

Deutsch: Agro-Verarbeitung / Español: Agroprocesamiento / Português: Agroprocessamento / Français: Agro-transformation / Italiano: Agroprocesso

Agro-processing in the industrial context refers to the transformation of raw agricultural products into finished goods or value-added products for consumption or further manufacturing. This includes operations such as sorting, cleaning, grading, milling, packaging, and processing raw materials like grains, fruits, vegetables, meat, and dairy. Agro-processing is a vital sector of the agro-industrial complex, linking agriculture with manufacturing and contributing significantly to economic development.

Deutsch: Amorphes Polymer / Español: Polímero amorfo / Português: Polímero amorfo / Français: Polymère amorphe / Italiano: Polimero amorfo

Amorphous polymer in the industrial context refers to a type of polymer whose molecular chains are arranged in a disordered, non-crystalline structure. Unlike crystalline polymers, which have a regular, repeating pattern, amorphous polymers lack long-range order, resulting in unique properties such as transparency, flexibility, and impact resistance. These characteristics make them highly valuable in various industrial applications.

Deutsch: Archäologie / Español: Arqueología / Português: Arqueologia / Français: Archéologie / Italiano: Archeologia

Archaeology in the industrial context refers to the study and preservation of historical and cultural artefacts associated with industrial processes, sites, and technologies. This branch of archaeology, often termed "industrial archaeology," focuses on the remains of the industrial revolution and beyond, including factories, railways, bridges, mines, and tools. It aims to document and analyse the development of industrialisation and its impact on society.

Deutsch: Aldi / Español: Aldi / Português: Aldi / Français: Aldi / Italiano: Aldi

Aldi is a multinational supermarket chain that operates in the retail industry. Originating in Germany, Aldi is known for its cost-efficient business model, streamlined operations, and focus on private-label products. The company has significantly impacted the retail and supply chain sectors through its innovative approaches to logistics, product sourcing, and customer pricing.