The top500 Glossary
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Chromolithography is described as a process of using several stones or plates--one for each color, printed in register. The result is color prints, to be distinguished from colored prints that have the color hand-applied after printing.Ref: 122473/2006-09-27
Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Process (Process means the preparation of a substance, ...)
Chrom (Chemisches Element, Zeichen: Cr. Dichte: 6,92 g ...)
Front-projection television
Front-projection television is described as a television display system that uses a projector and a screen, much like a movie theater. Front projectors can produce the largest video pictures.
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Stopwatch is referring to a timekeeping instrument which can be used for measuring intervals of time. In stopwatches, the time display is partially or wholly lost until the hands are reset. Stopwatches are used in sports activities to measure the duration or the time used by the competitors to determine who wins the game.Ref: 122319/2006-09-19