Glossary N
Deutsch: Nestlé / Español: Nestlé / Português: Nestlé / Français: Nestlé / Italiano: Nestlé
Nestlé in the industrial context refers to a global multinational corporation that operates within the food and beverage industry. Founded in 1866 and headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland, Nestlé is one of the largest and most influential food and beverage companies in the world. It produces a wide range of products, including Dairy, Coffee, confectionery, bottled water, infant nutrition, and pet care.
Deutsch: Ernährung / Español: Nutrición / Português: Nutrição / Français: Nutrition / Italiano: Nutrizione
Nutrition in the industrial context refers to the processes and practices involved in producing, processing, and delivering food products that meet specific nutritional standards and safety requirements. This includes creating food products that fulfill dietary needs, optimizing ingredients for health benefits, and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards on food quality and labelling.
Deutsch: Verhandlung / Español: Negociación / Português: Negociação / Français: Négociation / Italiano: Negoziazione
Negotiation in the industrial context refers to the Process by which two or more parties (e.g., businesses, suppliers, manufacturers, or workers) communicate and reach agreements on terms and conditions that are mutually beneficial. In industries, negotiation is a critical component of procurement, supply chain Management, labour relations, and contracts, involving discussions around pricing, timelines, quality standards, payment terms, and other key factors essential to Business operations.
Deutsch: Erdgasaufbereitung / Español: Procesamiento de Gas Natural / Português: Processamento de Gás Natural / Français: Traitement du Gaz Naturel / Italiano: Trattamento del Gas Naturale
Natural Gas Processing is an industrial procedure used to purify raw natural gas, transforming it into usable Products like methane, ethane, and propane. The raw gas extracted from underground reservoirs contains impurities such as water, carbon dioxide, sulfur, and heavy hydrocarbons, which must be removed to meet Safety, environmental, and commercial standards before it is transported and distributed. Natural gas processing is essential for producing clean, Market-ready fuel and valuable by-products for the petrochemical industry.
Deutsch: Knoten / Español: Nodo / Português: Nó / Français: Nœud / Italiano: Nodo
A node in the industrial context refers to a point within a network or system where data, resources, or connections converge, are processed, or are redistributed. In industries, nodes are critical components of networked systems, whether in logistics, telecommunications, manufacturing, or computing, and they play a pivotal role in ensuring the efficient flow of information, materials, or energy.
Deutsch: Nährstoff / Español: Nutriente / Português: Nutriente / Français: Nutriment / Italiano: Nutriente
Nutrient in the industrial context refers to a substance or compound that provides essential nourishment to support growth, development, and maintenance of life. In industry, nutrients are used in various applications such as food production, agriculture, animal feed, and biotechnology to enhance the quality, productivity, and nutritional value of products.
Deutsch: Netflix / Español: Netflix / Português: Netflix / Français: Netflix / Italiano: Netflix
Netflix in the industrial context refers to the American entertainment and production company known for its streaming service that offers a wide variety of television shows, movies, anime, documentaries, and more on thousands of internet-connected devices. Beyond streaming, Netflix has also made significant inroads into content production and distribution, fundamentally changing the media landscape.
Deutsch: Nicht-kristalliner Kohlenstoff / Español: Carbono No Cristalino / Português: Carbono Não Cristalino / Français: Carbone Non Cristallin / Italiano: Carbonio Non Cristallino
Non-crystalline carbon in the industrial context refers to forms of carbon that do not have a regular atomic structure or crystalline lattice, unlike crystalline forms such as diamond and graphite. This category includes a wide variety of carbon materials with different properties and applications, ranging from amorphous carbon and carbon black to activated carbon and carbon fibers. Non-crystalline carbon is utilized across various industries for its unique properties, including high surface area, chemical stability, and electrical conductivity.