Available address lists
This category describes the available top500 lists, options and features.
Our database has over 300,000 records of the largest companies in the world. Since 1998, when we started our business, we check regular the internet for new companies and update existing records.
We can create address lists for every country or industry. Just send us your needs and we will make an offer.
The Top500 Companies in Europe |
The Top500 Companies in Europe (list overview)The largest companies in Europe completed with full postal addresses, Phone, Fax and if published E-Mail and Homepage. Don't search any longer for your next mailing, we offer you everything, what you need.The list below shows also the annual sales which a company must have to enter the list and our price for the complete address list. |
This is an overview of all available standard address lists. Beside this, we can offer any reasonable extract from our database about the largest companies in Europe and other major countries.
Sometimes you want the address lists of several countries combined in one list. Here the regions of the world, for which we can offer address lists.
This category lists available address lists from specific countries.
Standard address lists of companies which have activities in the selected industry. The companies are sorted by the European NACE code.
The information fields which you can order besides the standard lists.
Free documents and helpful links about our address lists.