Glossary C
Cow-calf operation pertains to the management unit that maintains a breeding herd and produces weaned calves.
Deutsch: Baumwolle / Español: Algodón / Português: Algodão / Français: Coton / Italiano: Cotone /
Cotton pertains to a natural fiber derived from the cotton plant.
Cultivated cotton refers to a perennial shrub, genus Gossypium. There are two major species in current production - G. hirsutum, commonly known as upland cotton, and G. barbadense or Pima cotton. G. arboreum, G. herbaceum - asiatic short staple coarse cotton, usually of high Micronaire;
Coral sand is characterized as a substance consisting entirely or in part of finely crushed fragments of dead coral no larger than 2 mm in diameter and which may also contain, amongst other things, the remains of Foraminifera, mollusc and crustacean shell, and coralline algae. Coral sand is not identifiable to the level of genus.
Convertor dolly is described as an auxiliary undercarriage assembly consisting of a chassis, fifth Wheel and towbar used to convert a semitrailer or a container chassis to a full trailer.