Glossary C
Deutsch: Fälschung / Español: Falsificación / Português: Contrafação / Français: Contrefaçon / Italiano: Contraffazione
Counterfeit in the industrial context refers to the unauthorised imitation or reproduction of products, materials, or goods with the intent to deceive consumers, businesses, or regulators. Counterfeit items often aim to mimic the appearance, functionality, or branding of legitimate products but typically lack the quality, safety, or legal compliance of the originals.
Deutsch: Nockenwelle / Español: Árbol de levas / Português: Eixo de comando / Français: Arbre à cames / Italiano: Albero a camme
Camshaft is a mechanical component used in internal combustion engines to control the timing and movement of engine valves. In the industrial context, camshafts are critical for ensuring efficient engine operation, powering vehicles, machinery, and equipment used across various industries.
Deutsch: Kostenüberschreitung / Español: sobrecoste / Português: sobrecusto / Français: dépassement de coûts / Italiano: superamento dei costi
A cost overrun in the industrial context refers to the situation where the actual cost of a project or operation surpasses its initial budget or forecast. These overruns can result from various factors, including underestimated costs, unforeseen technical challenges, poor project management, or changes in project scope.
Deutsch: Catering / Español: Catering / Português: Catering / Français: Service de restauration / Italiano: Catering
Catering in the industrial context refers to the large-scale provision of food services to meet the dietary needs of workers in industrial environments, such as factories, construction sites, and mining operations. Industrial catering involves managing and delivering meals that ensure balanced nutrition, comply with safety standards, and support the productivity and wellbeing of workers in demanding settings.
Deutsch: Kalibrierung / Español: Calibración / Português: Calibração / Français: Calibration / Italiano: Taratura
Calibration in the industrial context refers to the process of adjusting and verifying the accuracy of measuring instruments and equipment to ensure they deliver precise and reliable results. Calibration aligns instruments with standardized values to maintain quality, safety, and compliance in industrial processes, where precision is often critical.
Deutsch: Bewusstsein / Español: Consciencia / Português: Consciência / Français: Conscience / Italiano: Coscienza
Consciousness in the industrial context refers to the awareness and deliberate focus on key aspects of operations, safety, sustainability, and ethical practices within an industry. It often involves an organisation's collective responsibility towards maintaining operational efficiency, ensuring safety, adhering to environmental regulations, and fostering ethical decision-making. Industrial consciousness extends to how companies recognize and address the broader impact of their activities on employees, the environment, and society at large.
Deutsch: Cyanidierung / Español: Cianuración / Português: Cianetação / Français: Cyanuration / Italiano: Cianurazione
Cyanidation is a chemical process used in the mining and metallurgical industries to extract gold and other precious metals from ore. The process involves dissolving the metal from its ore by using a sodium cyanide (NaCN) or potassium cyanide (KCN) solution. This method is one of the most commonly used techniques for gold extraction due to its high efficiency and cost-effectiveness, especially for low-grade ores.
Deutsch: Kontamination / Español: Contaminación / Português: Contaminação / Français: Contamination / Italiano: Contaminazione
Contamination in the industrial context refers to the undesired presence of harmful substances or foreign materials in processes, products, or equipment. This can occur across various stages of production and may impact product quality, safety, and compliance with regulatory standards. Contamination can involve physical, chemical, or biological pollutants that interfere with a company's operations or product integrity.