Deutsch: Verletzung / Español: Lesión / Português: Lesão / Français: Blessure / Italiano: Infortunio

Injury in the industrial and industry context refers to physical harm or damage to an individual resulting from accidents or unsafe conditions in the workplace. Industrial injuries can range from minor cuts and bruises to severe incidents such as fractures, burns, or even life-threatening conditions. These injuries can occur in any type of industrial setting, including manufacturing plants, construction sites, warehouses, and mines.

Deutsch: Infusion / Español: Infusión / Português: Infusão / Français: Infusion / Italiano: Infusione

Infusion in the industrial and industry context typically refers to the process of extracting chemical components from a solid material into a liquid through soaking. This process is widely used in various sectors including food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and chemical manufacturing to derive flavors, medicines, or chemical compounds from raw materials.

Deutsch: Ionenaustauschersystem / Español: Sistema de intercambio iónico / Português: Sistema de troca iônica / Français: Système d'échange d'ions / Italiano: Sistema di scambio ionico

An ion exchange system in the industrial and industry context refers to a process where ions are exchanged between a solution and an ion exchange resin or medium. This technology is critical for various applications including water purification, chemical processing, and waste treatment.

Deutsch: Insektizid / Español: Insecticida / Português: Inseticida / Français: Insecticide / Italiano: Insetticida

Insecticide in the industrial context refers to a chemical or biological agent that is used to deter, incapacitate, kill, or otherwise discourage insects. These substances are essential in various industries for protecting crops from pests, maintaining public health by controlling vector-borne diseases, and ensuring hygiene in food production and storage environments.

Deutsch: Industrialisierung / Español: Industrialización / Português: Industrialização / Français: Industrialisation / Italiano: Industrializzazione

Industrialization in the industrial context refers to the process by which an economy is transformed from primarily agricultural to one based on the manufacturing of goods. Individual manual labor is often replaced by mechanized mass production, and craftsmen are replaced by assembly lines.

Deutsch: Bestandsmanagement / Español: Gestión de Inventarios / Português: Gestão de Inventário / Français: Gestion des Stocks / Italiano: Gestione delle Scorte

Inventory management in the industrial context refers to the systematic approach to sourcing, storing, and selling inventory — both raw materials (components) and finished goods (products). It is a crucial part of supply chain management, involving the oversight of non-capitalized assets and stock items. Effective inventory management helps industries optimize their inventory levels, reducing costs associated with excess stock or stockouts while ensuring that production processes and customer demands are met efficiently.

Deutsch: Intensive Landwirtschaft / Español: Agricultura Intensiva / Português: Agricultura Intensiva / Français: Agriculture Intensive / Italiano: Agricoltura Intensiva

Intensive farming in the industrial context refers to agricultural practices designed to maximize productivity and output from a given area of land through the concentrated use of resources such as labor, capital, and technology. This approach typically involves high levels of input, such as synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation systems, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs), to achieve higher yields than would be possible through traditional farming methods.

Deutsch: Unfähigkeit / Español: Incapacidad / Português: Incapacidade / Français: Incapacité / Italiano: Incapacità

Inability in the industrial context refers to the lack of capability, means, or capacity to perform an operational task or achieve a required outcome within an industry setting.