Glossary Y
Yeast has something to do with any of certain unicellular fungi, generally members of the class Ascomycetaceae, few are members of the class Basidiomycetaceae.
Deutsch: Garn / Español: Hilo / Português: Fio / Français: Fil / Italiano: Filato /
Yarn - is described as a long continuous strand of interlocked fibers created when a cluster of individual fibers are twisted together.
Deutsch: Garnspinnmühle / Español: Fábrica de hilado de lana / Português: Fábrica de fiação de fios / Français: Filature de laine / Italiano: Filatura di lana /
Yarn spinning mill revolves around an ndustry which comprises establishments primarily engaged in spinning yarn from any fiber and/or producing hemp yarn and further processing into rope or bags. Activities included in this industry are the following:
Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): cranes
Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Yarn spinning mill (Yarn spinning mill revolves around an ndustry ...)
Spinning (Spinning is described as the process of drawing. ..)
Mill (Mill pertains to a factory in which metals are ...)
Yarn (Yarn is a long continuous length of interlocked ...)
Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): yarns