Birch is characterized as medium-density hardwood with a fine, moderate grain pattern that conveys a refined linear texture and mild color variation. Birch is similar to maple wood and has a tight, even wood grain. It can have more character at times.

Deutsch: Amt für Alkohol, Tabak und Schusswaffen / Español: Oficina de Alcohol, Tabaco y Armas de Fuego / Português: Agência de Álcool, Tabaco e Armas de Fogo / Français: Bureau de l'Alcool, du Tabac et des Armes à Feu / Italiano: Ufficio Alcol, Tabacco e Armi da Fuoco /

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF ) is an agency of the Department of the Treasury entrusted with enforcing laws covering the production, distribution and use of alcohol, tobacco and firearms.

Broilers and Other Meat Type Chicken Production this industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in raising broilers, fryers, roasters, and other meat type chickens.

A Briquette operator is a person who:

Deutsch: Massengut / Español: Carga a granel / Português: Carga a granel / Français: Cargaison en vrac / Italiano: Carico sfuso /

Bulk cargo is described as a cargo that is unpacked (un-bundled or un-bound) and is of the same or a similar kind or nature (homogeneous). These cargos are usually dropped or poured, with a spout or shovel bucket, as a liquid or solid, into a bulk carriers hold, train car, or truck -trailer body. Bulk cargos are classified as liquid or dry.

Boss refers to the protuberance on a plastic part designed to add strength, to facilitate alignment during assembly, to provide for fastenings, etc.

The Blue crab - Callinectes sapidus is referring to a shelf-estuarine species distributed at depths between 0-90 mon muddy and Sandy bottoms.
The frequency of spawining depends of latitude, with two spawining periods (spring and summer) in the Chesapeake Bay. Maximum longevity: 3 years.Non-selective feeding includes oysters, clams, other benthic invertebrates, fishes, and plants material, also detritus and carrion.
Local Names
English : Blue crab .
French : Crabe bleu , Crabe nageur .
German : Blaukrabbe .
Greek : Galázios kávouras .
Hebrew : Shayat-kahol .
Italian : Granchio nuotatore .
Russian : Sinii kzab .
Spanish : Cangrejo azul , Jaiba azul .
Turkish : Maviyengeç .

- 87308/2006-09-18

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Bending refers to a term typically applied to a metal forming process. It is the creation of a formed feature by angular displacement of a sheet metal workpiece.