Deutsch: Abdeckung / Español: Cobertura / Português: Cobertura / Français: Couverture / Italiano: Copertura /

A covering is something that covers (i.e. blanket, coat, etc.).

See also:
"Covering" is in the NAICS Code "238320"
(Painting and Wall Covering ContractorsPaperhanging and removal contractors)

"Covering" is in the HS Code "5904"
Linoleum, Whether Or Not Cut To Shape; Floor Covering s Consisting Of A Coating Or Covering Applied O

- 84049/2006-08-19

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
roof (Roof refers to a protective covering that covers ...)
roof covering (roof covering refers to the act of protecting , ...)
elliptical roof (egg-shaped , oval or circular protective covering ...)
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