Deutsch: Fleisch / Español: Carne / Português: Carne / Français: Viande / Italiano: Carne /

Meat refers to the fleshy part of an animal that is used for food or the edible part of something, such as the nuts inside of nut shells.

Meat The flesh of animals - may contain bone (e.g. lamb chops) or be boneless (beef). May contain skin (pork) or refer to offal (liver). Meat The flesh of animals used as food including the dressed flesh of cattle, swine, sheep, or goats and other edible animals, except fish, poultry, and wild game animals

-see also:
"Meat" is in the NAICS Code "11232"
Broilers and Other Meat Type Chicken Production

"Meat" is in the CPC Code "211"
Meat and meat products

"Meat" is in the HS Code "02"
Meat and edible meat offal

"Meat" is in the UNSPSC Code "23181510"
Meat tyers

Ref: 86200/2006-09-13

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