Deutsch: Huhn / Español: Pollo / Português: Frango / Français: Poulet / Italiano: Pollo

Chicken in the industrial and industry context refers to the commercial breeding, raising, processing, and distribution of chickens as a major food source. This includes various aspects of the poultry industry such as meat production (broilers) and egg production (layers), which are integral components of global agriculture and food supply chains.


The industrial production of chicken involves a highly organized and technologically driven approach to maximize efficiency and output. This includes selective breeding practices, controlled feeding and housing systems, health management, and mechanized processing plants. Chickens are raised on a large scale in specialized facilities known as poultry farms or chicken houses.

Application Areas

Chicken has several important roles in the industrial context:

  • Meat Production: Broiler chickens are specifically bred and raised for meat production. They are grown to market weight efficiently with the help of advanced feed and farming technologies.
  • Egg Production: Layer chickens are raised for egg production. Industrial egg farms often house thousands of birds in tiered cages, optimizing space and automating feeding and egg collection.
  • Feather Production: Chicken feathers are also used in the textile industry for insulation materials and decorative applications.
  • By-Products: Other by-products of chicken processing include chicken meal and chicken fat, which are used in animal feed and as industrial raw materials.

Well-Known Examples

  • Tyson Foods, Inc. and Perdue Farms: These are examples of major corporations in the United States specializing in the processing and distribution of chicken products.
  • Automated Egg Collectors: Used in egg production to streamline the process of collecting eggs from thousands of chickens in a large-scale facility.
  • Climate-Controlled Poultry Houses: Designed to maintain optimal environmental conditions for maximizing growth and health of poultry.

Treatment and Risks

Challenges in the chicken industry include:

  • Disease Management: Outbreaks of diseases like avian influenza can decimate flocks and lead to huge economic losses. Biosecurity measures are crucial to prevent disease spread.
  • Ethical Concerns: There are ongoing ethical debates regarding the conditions in which chickens are raised, particularly concerning overcrowding, the use of cages, and the methods used in slaughtering.
  • Environmental Impact: The poultry industry can have significant environmental impacts, including nutrient runoff from farms polluting waterways and antibiotic resistance.

Industry Insights

Effective management strategies in the chicken industry might include:

  • Improved Biosecurity Practices: Implementing strict sanitation and disease control measures to prevent outbreaks.
  • Sustainability Initiatives: Developing more sustainable farming practices to reduce environmental impact, such as better waste management systems.
  • Welfare-Oriented Practices: Increasing the adoption of free-range farming systems and other practices that improve the living conditions of chickens.

Similar Terms


Articles with 'Chicken' in the title

  • Broilers and Other Meat Type Chicken Production: Broilers and Other Meat Type Chicken Production this industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in raising broilers, fryers, roasters, and other meat type chickens
  • Roaster or Roasting Chicken: Roaster or Roasting Chicken refers to a bird which is young chicken, usually three to five months of age, of either sex, that is tender-meated with soft, pliable, smooth-textured skin and breastbone cartilage that may be somewhat less flexi . . .
  • Chicken Egg Production: Chicken Egg Production this industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in raising chickens for egg production. The eggs produced may be sold for use as table eggs or hatching eggs


Chicken in the industrial context encompasses the extensive and varied processes involved in raising, processing, and marketing chickens for meat and eggs. This industry is a vital part of the agricultural sector, providing significant contributions to food security and economic stability worldwide. As the industry evolves, ongoing improvements in animal welfare, disease control, and environmental sustainability continue to be important priorities.


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