Buck or billy is described as male goat.

Bull is characterized as a bovine male. The term is usually used to refer to animals of breeding age.

Bull stick is described as a steel bar for punching holes under stumps for placement of dynamite or powder. It is a too used in splicing wire rope.

Butane refers to a liquid or gas used for heating.

Breakdown is described as the process by which electrically stressed air is transformed from an insulator to a conductor.

Briquetting is the process of pressing waste materials into a solid fuel. The objects are used for burning purposes.

Brand has to do with a name, term, sign, symbol, or a combination of these used to identify the products of one seller or group of sellers and differentiate them from those of competitors.

Deutsch: Branntwein / Español: Coñac / Português: Conhaque / Français: Eau-de-vie / Italiano: Brand /

Brandy refers to a distilled from wine or fermented fruit juice (eau-de-vie).