Glossary V
Ventilator is the proper term for a breathing machine used to treat respiratory failure and help support breathing.
Vulcanite is characterized as a dark-colored variety of India rubber that has been subjected to vulcanization. It also called hard rubber. A common material used for the stem on both mass-produced and hand-made pipes.
Deutsch: Fahrzeug / Español: Vehículo / Português: Veículo / Français: Véhicule / Italiano: Veicolo /
The term vehicle may refer to the following:
- a machine, usually self-powered and self-propelled, that may be used to transport people or goods from one place to another via land, air or sea
- an inactive or inert substance or medium that may be combined with a medicine, pigment or other active material in order to give it bulk or facilitate in its administration
Deutsch: Lack / Español: Barniz / Português: Verniz / Français: Vernis / Italiano: Vernice /
Varnish is identified as the solution of resinous matter in an oil or a volatile liquid. When applied to a surface, it dries transparent, hard and glossy, protecting the surface from air and moisture.