Deutsch: Toilette / Español: Inodoro / Português: Vaso sanitário / Français: Toilettes / Italiano: Water
A toilet is a sanitation fixture used primarily for the disposal of human excrement and urine, often found in a small room referred to as a toilet/bathroom/lavatory.

In an industrial or commercial context, "toilet" refers to a plumbing fixture used for the disposal of human waste. It typically consists of a bowl, seat, and flushing mechanism. Toilets in an industrial or commercial setting are often different from those found in residential buildings, as they are designed to handle higher volumes of usage and to be more durable and efficient. Some examples of toilets in the industrial context include:

  • Flush toilets: toilets that use a flushing mechanism to flush waste into a plumbing system.

  • Composting toilets: toilets that use natural processes to convert human waste into compost.

  • Chemical toilets: toilets that use chemicals to reduce odors and sanitize waste.

  • Portable toilets: toilets that can be easily moved and placed at different locations.

  • Toilets with hand washing facilities: toilets that also include a sink and hand washing facilities.