Glossary R
Rescue centre refers to an institution that looks after the welfare of living specimens, particularly those that have been seized or confiscated.
French - centre de sauvetage
Spanish - centro de rescate
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centre (centre _ british english which refers to a ...)
French - centre de sauvetage
Spanish - centro de rescate
Ref: 122843/2006-10-12
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centre (centre _ british english which refers to a ...)
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Rice Farming - this industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing rice (except wild rice) and/or producing rice seeds.
Rice (except wild rice) farming, field and seed production. Rice (Oryza sativa) is a cereal grass that is cultivated for its edible grain s. These starchy grains are most commonly used as a staple food.
The primary activities of firms in this industry are:
Rice farming
Industry Code: 11116
-see also:
"Rice Farming" is in the NAICS Code "11116"
(Rice Farming11116)
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Farm (Farm is characterized as an area of land and its ...)
Cereal (Cereal refers to any grain or edible seed of the ...)
Rice (except wild rice) farming, field and seed production. Rice (Oryza sativa) is a cereal grass that is cultivated for its edible grain s. These starchy grains are most commonly used as a staple food.
The primary activities of firms in this industry are:
Rice farming
Industry Code: 11116
-see also:
"Rice Farming" is in the NAICS Code "11116"
(Rice Farming11116)
- 87277/2006-09-17
Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Farm (Farm is characterized as an area of land and its ...)
Cereal (Cereal refers to any grain or edible seed of the ...)
Rifling has to do with a firearm term which means a series of spiral grooves cut in the bore of a firearm designed to stabilize a projectile by spinning it.
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Firearm (Firearm refers to a rifle, shotgun or handgun. ..)
Ref: 120735/2006-10-02
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Firearm (Firearm refers to a rifle, shotgun or handgun. ..)
Ripping hammer pertains to a hammer similar to the curved claw but with a straight claw, used for levering up boards or laps.
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Hammer (Hammer refers to an instrument for driving nails ...)
Ref: 124384/2006-10-27
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Hammer (Hammer refers to an instrument for driving nails ...)
The rocky mountain goat despite that it is called goat, is not considered a true goat by scientists as it belongs to the genus Oreamnos.
Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Rock (Rock is the source of natural material from which ...)
Goat (Goat refers to a mammal in the genus Capra, ...)
Ref: 124365/2006-10-19
Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Rock (Rock is the source of natural material from which ...)
Goat (Goat refers to a mammal in the genus Capra, ...)