Deutsch: Glas / Español: Vidrio / Português: Vidro / Français: Verre / Italiano: Vetro /

In photography, a glass is defined as a chemical Bath used to change the hue of prints.

See also:
"Glass" is in the NAICS Code "238150"
(Glass and Glazing ContractorsGlass cladding (i.e., curtain wall), installation)

"Glass" is in the CPC Code "37111"
Glass in the mass, in balls (except microspheres), rods or tubes, unworked; waste and scrap of glass

"Glass" is in the HS Code "70"
Glass and glassware

"Glass" is in the UNSPSC Code "11151714"
Glass yarn

Ref: 124316/2006-10-03

Glass is characterized as a hard, brittle, translucent, and commonly transparent substance, white or colored, having a conchoidal fracture, and made by fusing together sand or silica with lime, potash, soda, or lead oxide. It is used for window panes and mirrors, for articles of table and culinary use, for lenses, and various articles of ornament.

Beach glass
(glass) A type of glass formed when glass bottles are left on a lake or ocean shore for a long period of time. Waves and sand act as a natural tumbler which smoothing out the glass and leaving a soft frosted surface.
Beveled Glass
(glass) Plate glass that has its perimeter ground and polished at an angle.
Blown glass
(glass) Glasswork produced by the the process of gathering molten glass onto the end of a blowpipe and forming it into a variety of shapes by blowing air through the blowpipe and manipulating the glass as it is rotated.
Blown glass
(glass) Glasswork produced by the the process of gathering molten glass onto the end of a blowpipe and forming it into a variety of shapes by blowing air through the blowpipe and manipulating the glass as it is rotated.
Bonded Glass
(glass) Glass pieces that have been adhered together by glue, resin or cement.
Cased Glass
(glass) Blown glass that has two or more layers of different colors. The upper layers may be etched or sandblasted to reveal the glass underneath.
Dichroic glass
(glass) A thin metallic coating on any type of glass; the coating is applied at a high temperature in a vacuum chamber.
Enameled Glass
(glass) Glass decorated with particles of translucent glass or glass-like material, usually of a contrasting color, which fuses to the surface under heat. Multi-colored designs, as well as monochrome coatings, can be created.
Etched Glass
(glass) Glass decorated, carved or otherwise marked by sandblasting or the use of hydrofluoric acid. The glass is first covered with an acid-resistant wax or gum, the design is drawn through the resist with a point, and the exposed glass is etched.
Fused Glass
(glass) Glass that has been heated in a kiln to the point where two separate pieces are permanently joined as one without losing their individual color.

-see also:
"Glass" is in the NAICS Code "238150"
(Glass and Glazing ContractorsStained glass installation)

"Glass" is in the CPC Code "37"
Glass and glass products and other non-metallic products n.e.c.

"Glass" is in the HS Code "3207.40"
- - Glass frit and other glass, in the form of powder, granules or flakes

"Glass" is in the UNSPSC Code "11141605"
Glass waste or scrap

Ref: 120752/2006-10-03

Glass is described as a hard, brittle, generally transparent or translucent material typically formed from the rapid cooling of liquefied minerals. Most commercial glass is made from a molten mixture of soda ash, sand, and lime.

The term glass is used to denote all materials whose chemical structure is similar to that of a liquid, but whose viscosity at a normal temperature is so high that they can be described as solids.

Mineral glass is obtained by overcooling a melt and is hence also often described as an overcooled liquid. In actual fact, glass is not a solid but even in its solid state displays a certain viscosity which is not noticeable in everyday use.

-see also:
"Glass" is in the NAICS Code "238150"
(Glass and Glazing ContractorsCurtain wall, glass, installation)

"Glass" is in the CPC Code "371"
Glass and glass products

"Glass" is in the HS Code "5908"
Textile Wicks, Of Cotton And Glass Fibers, For Heaters

"Glass" is in the UNSPSC Code "11151512"
Glass fibers

Ref: 124176/2006-09-22

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Type II glass (Type II glass is described as treated soda lime glass.)
Borosilicate glass (Borosilicate glass refers to a high silicate ...)
Carnival glass (Carnival glass is a coating which is applied as a ...)

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