Deutsch: Milch / Español: Leche / Português: Leite / Français: Lait / Italiano: Latte /

Milk is obtained from milking animals (e.g., cows, sheep, goats, buffalo). Milk is usually heat-treated by pasteurization, ultra-high temperature (UHT) treatment or sterilization.

It includes skim, part-skim, low-fat and whole milk.


In the industrial context, milk is a widely used dairy ingredient that is obtained from various animals such as cows, goats, and sheep. It is a rich source of nutrients including proteins, vitamins, and minerals, making it a valuable raw material in the food processing industry. Milk is processed using techniques such as pasteurization and homogenization to ensure safety and quality. It is used in the production of a wide range of products such as cheese, yogurt, ice cream, and baked goods. The industrial production of milk involves large-scale farming, milking, transportation, and processing to meet the demands of consumers worldwide.

Application Areas

Treatment and Risks

  • Pasteurization to kill harmful bacteria
  • Risks include contamination during processing and storage
  • Allergies for individuals with lactose intolerance
  • Possible issues with antibiotic residues in milk
  • Proper storage and handling to prevent spoilage


  • Production of cheese and butter
  • Manufacturing of yogurt and ice cream
  • Inclusion in ready-to-drink beverages
  • Ingredients for bakery items like cakes and pastries
  • Use in nutritional supplements and baby formula

Similar Concepts and Synonyms

  • Dairy products
  • Lactose-containing liquids
  • Animal-derived liquids
  • Casein-based liquids
  • White beverages


Articles with 'Milk' in the title

  • Dairy-based drinks, flavoured and/or fermented (e.g., chocolate milk, cocoa, eggnog,: Dairy-based drinks, flavoured and/or fermented (eg. chocolate milk, cocoa, eggnog, drinking yoghurt, whey-based drinks) (01.1.2) Includes all ready-to-drink flavoured and aromatized milk-based fluid beverages and their mixes, excluding mixe . . .
  • Buttermilk: Buttermilk is the nearly milkfat-free fluid remaining from the butter-making process (ie. the churning fermented or non-fermented milk and cream). Buttermilk is also produced by fermentation of fluid skim milk, either by spontaneous souring . . .
  • Dairy Cattle and Milk Production: Dairy Cattle and Milk Production- this industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in milking dairy cattle.
  • Filled milk: Filled milk a type of milk which natural milkfat has been removed and replaced with other fats or oils from plant sources. Ref: 123839/2006-09-24- Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase: Milk- Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): milks
  • Fermented and renneted milk products: Fermented and renneted milk products (plain), excluding food category 01.1.2 (dairy-based drinks) (01.2)includes all plain products based on skim, part-skim, low-fat and whole milk
  • Fermented milks: Fermented milks (plain) (01.2.1) Includes all plain products, including fluid fermented milk, acidified milk and cultured milk. Plain yoghurt, which does not contain flavours or colours, may be found in one of the sub-categories of 01.2.1 . . .
  • Flavored milk: Flavored milk is described as a subclass of fluid- packaged milks, to which flavoring has been added, such as chocolate, strawberry and vanilla.
  • Milk and buttermilk: Milk and buttermilk includes plain fluid products only. Includes reconstituted plain milk that contains only dairy ingredients. 87297/2006-09-17- Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase: Milk Fluid milk obtained ...) Buttermilk ( . . .
  • Milk and dairy-based drinks: Milk and dairy-based drinks (01.1) includes all plain and flavoured fluid milk products based on skim, part-skim, low-fat and whole milk. 87296/2006-09-17- Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase: Base- Base (Base pertains to any . . .
  • Bulk milk: Bulk milk is described as raw milk from a dairy farm, as stored in a bulk tank- in contrast with packaged milk. Other bulk products, such as condensed skim and cream, may also be transported in bulk form
  • Butter milk powder: Butter milk powder refers to a natural dairy product derived by spray-drying buttermilk. 87217/2006-09-16- Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase: Milk Fluid milk obtained ...) Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): milks, powders
  • Certified milk: Certified milk is characterized as milk produced and distributed under conditions that conform with high standards for cleanliness and quality set forth by the American Association of Medical Milk Commissions
  • Renneted milk: Renneted milk is plain, coagulated milk produced by the action of milk coagulating enzymes. Includes curdled milk. Flavoured renneted milk products are found in category 01.7


In the industrial context, milk plays a crucial role as a versatile and nutrient-rich ingredient used in various sectors such as food, beverage, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical. Processed through stringent methods like pasteurization, milk serves as the foundation for a multitude of products ranging from dairy items to baked goods. Despite its benefits, milk also poses risks related to contamination and allergenic reactions, necessitating proper treatment and handling.


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