Deutsch: Sektor / Español: Sector / Português: Setor / Français: Secteur / Italiano: Settore /

A Sector refers to the broadest category available in NAICS (or any other classification system) to describe business activities. NAICS provides 20 separate sector categories.

Different sectors describe different groupings of related and more detailed NAICS categories. The activities included in each sector. Contribute to U.S. economic output. Statistical agencies use sector categories to collect, publish, and analyze business statistics. For example, the census uses sector categories in organizing, customizing, and describing census forms.


In the industrial context, the term 'Sector' refers to a specific segment or division within an industry. Sectors are often categorized based on the type of products or services they provide, such as technology, Healthcare, or Energy. Each sector has its own unique characteristics, challenges, and opportunities. Understanding the different sectors in an industry is essential for analyzing Market trends, making strategic decisions, and identifying investment opportunities. Companies may operate in multiple sectors or focus exclusively on a single sector to streamline their operations and target specific markets. Overall, sectors play a crucial role in shaping the Structure and dynamics of the industrial landscape.

Application Areas

Risks and Challenges

  • Market volatility
  • Regulatory changes
  • Competition from other sectors
  • Economic downturns
  • Technological disruptions


  • Technology sector: Apple, Google, Microsoft
  • Healthcare sector: Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Merck
  • Energy sector: ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP
  • Financial sector: JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup

Similar concepts and Terms

  • Industry segment
  • Business division
  • Market sector
  • Vertical market
  • Segmentation


Articles with 'Sector' in the title

  • Commercial sector: Commercial sector revolves around an energy-consuming sector that consists of service-providing facilities and equipment of: businesses- Federal, State, and local governments- and other private and public organizations, such as religious, . . .
  • Farming sector: Farming sector: The farming sector in the industrial context refers to the segment of the economy devoted to the production, processing, and distribution of food, Fiber, and other products through the Cultivation of crops and the raising . . .
  • Sector classification: Sector classification use of NAICS sector categories to describe groups of similar businesses. A sector classification consists of the NAICS Short Title text that is a description and accompanying 2-digit NAICS industry code number


In the industrial context, 'Sector' refers to specific segments within an industry categorized based on products or services. Understanding sectors is crucial for market analysis, investment strategy, and strategic planning. Sectors face risks such as market volatility and regulatory changes, but also offer opportunities for growth and innovation. Overall, sectors play a vital role in shaping the industrial landscape.


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