Glossary B
Deutsch: Biodiversität / Español: Biodiversidad / Português: Biodiversidade / Français: Biodiversitê / Italiano: Biodiversità
Biodiversity in the industrial and industry context refers to the variety and abundance of living organisms, including animals, plants, fungi, and microorganisms, within a specific ecosystem or geographical area. It encompasses the diversity of species, genetic variation within those species, and the intricate interactions and ecosystems that support life on Earth. Biodiversity plays a crucial role in various industries and sectors, influencing everything from agriculture and pharmaceuticals to tourism and conservation efforts.
Butter milk powder refers to a natural dairy product derived by spray-drying buttermilk.
Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Milk (Milk (plain) ( - Fluid milk obtained ...)
Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): milks, powders
Deutsch: Butterblume / Español: Ranúnculo / Português: Ranúnculo / Français: Renoncule / Italiano: Ranuncolo /
Buttercup refers to a common yellow flower (Ranunculus) generally found in wetter parts of the farm. It is common on undrained permanent pasture where it can become invasive.