Deutsch: Garnspinnmühle / Español: Fábrica de hilado de lana / Português: Fábrica de fiação de fios / Français: Filature de laine / Italiano: Filatura di lana /

Yarn spinning mill revolves around an ndustry which comprises establishments primarily engaged in spinning yarn from any fiber and/or producing hemp yarn and further processing into rope or bags. Activities included in this industry are the following:

1. Acetate spun yarns made from purchased fiber
2. Acrylic spun yarns made from purchased fiber
3. Bags, hemp, made from purchased fiber
4. Carded yarn manufacturing
5. Carpet and rug yarn spinning
6. Cotton cordage spun yarns made from purchased fiber
7. Cotton spun yarns made from purchased fiber
8. Crochet spun yarns (e.g., cotton, manmade fiber, silk, wool) made from purchased
9. Embroidery spun yarns (e.g., cotton, manmade fiber, silk, wool) made from purchas
10. Flax spun yarns made from purchased fiber
11. Hard fiber spun yarns made from purchased fiber
12. Hemp bags made from purchased fiber
13. Hemp ropes made from purchased fiber
14. Hemp spun yarns made from purchased fiber
15. Knitting spun yarns (e.g., cotton, manmade fiber, silk, wool) made from purchased
16. Manmade staple spun yarns made from purchased fiber
17. Modacrylic spun yarns made from purchased fiber
18. Natural fiber spun yarns (i.e., hemp, jute, ramie, flax) made from purchased fibe
19. Nylon spun yarns made from purchased fiber
20. Paper yarn manufacturing
21. Polyester spun yarns made from purchased fiber
22. Polypropylene spun yarns made from purchased fiber
23. Ramie spun yarns made from purchased fiber
24. Rayon spun yarns made from purchased fiber
25. Ropes, hemp, made from purchased fiber
26. Silk spun yarns made from purchased fiber
27. Spinning carpet and rug yarn from purchased fiber
28. Spinning yarn from purchased fiber
29. Wool spun yarn made from purchased fiber
30. Yarn spinning mills
31. Yarn spun from purchased fiber
32. Yarn, carpet and rug, spun from purchased fiber

Ref: 122084/2006-09-19

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Yarn spinning mills (Yarn spinning mills refers to the industry which ...)
Mill (Mill pertains to a factory in which metals are ...)
Yarn (Yarn is a long continuous length of interlocked ...)
Spinning (Spinning is described as the process of drawing. ..)

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