Reciprocating compressor is a machine in which the compressing element is a piston having a reciprocating motion in a cylinder.
Ref: 122808/2006-10-11

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Press (Press denotes a machine having a stationary bed ...)
Compressor (Compressor refers to the pump that moves the ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): compressors

Roof renewal refers to the act of renewing, replacement, rehabilitation, or restoration of the building component enclosing a building above, thus providing a weatherproof shelter.

Shade is the blocking of sunlight (in particular direct sunshine) by any object, and also the shadow created by that object. It may refer to blocking of sunlight by a roof, a tree, an umbrella, a window shade or blind, curtains, or other objects. So roof shading is the shading done by a roof.