Oxygenated gasoline pertains to gasoline with an oxygen content of 1.8 % or higher, by weight, that has been formulated for use in motor vehicles.
Ref: 120996/2006-10-08

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Lexicon from 'Oak barrel' until 'Oxygenated gasoline'
Lexicon from 'Oak barrel' until 'Oxygenated gasoline'
Orange Groves - this industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing oranges.

Oranges are round citrus fruits that are grown on trees. Farms that grow oranges are commonly called ægroves?.

The primary activities of firms in this industry are:
Orange growing

NAICS Code: 11131

-see also:
"Orange Groves" is in the NAICS Code "11131"
  (Orange Groves11131)

- 87282/2006-09-17

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Range (A Range is the difference between the maximum and ...)

Occasional table: refers to any small table such as cocktail or coffee tables, end tables, and sofa tables.
Ref: 122638/2006-10-11

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Accent (From coffee table; occasional table (= Beistelltisch))
coffee table; occasional table (= Beistelltisch)
Coffee table; occasional table (Coffee table refers to a low table used next to ...)
Cocktail (Cocktail is a kind if beverage especially an ...)
Opacifier is defined as a material added to a glaze in order to render it opaque. Opacity is achieved by the deflection of light, either by the suspension of vey fine bubbles or particles in the glaze, or by the formation of crystals in the glaze.
Ref: 122417/2006-09-23

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Glaze (Glaze makes reference to the substances used to ...)
Operating system (OS) interface refers to the interface between the Orocos framework and the operating system on which it runs. Orocos wants to make this interface to as many operating systems as possible, completely portable and standardized, such that a minimum of code will have to be adapted in order to port the Framework to other platforms.
Ref: 123483/2006-10-15

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
System (System refers to a group of things or parts ...)
System (Satz von in Wechselbeziehung oder Wechselwirkung ...)
Betriebssystem (Schnittstelle zwischen Programmen und PC-Hardware ...)
Rating (Der Begriff Rating beschreibt ein Zeugnis, in dem ...)

Optical printer is defined as an elaborate film laboratory equipment, consisting of a projector and a camera, which can reduce or enlarge film images and create special effects--such as fades, dissolves, and superimposition--in a printed film.
Ref: 122813/2006-10-11

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Borate (Salze der Bors?ure H3BO3 oder Metabors?ure HBO2; ...)
Projector (Projector refers to an optical instrument which ...)
Organic foods refer to the food products produced by organic farming practices and handled or processed under organic handling and manufacturing processes as defined by several private and state organic certifying agencies.
Ref: 86415/2006-09-14

Organophosphate refer to insecticides can cause acute poisoning and toxic neuropathy. Organophosphate Induced Delayed Neuropathy (OPIDN) is a syndrome that was described after near lethal doses of some organophosphates, usually after ingestion
- 87283/2006-09-17