Deutsch: Industrie / Español: Industria / Português: Indústria / Français: Industrie / Italiano: Industria /
Industry refers to the most detailed category available in NAICS to describe business activities. NAICS provides hundreds of separate industry categories, unique categories that reflect different methods used to produce goods and services.
Statistical agencies use industry categories to classify, collect, process, publish, and analyze business statistics. The census uses industry categories to customize census forms, combine information from establishments in the same industry, and publish census statistics.
-see also:
"Industry" is in the NAICS Code "33322"
Plastics and Rubber Industry Machinery Manufacturing
"Industry" is in the UNSPSC Code "43232600"
Industry specific software
Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
chemical industry (chemical industry involves the processing of, ...)
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
Voluntary Interindustry Commerce Standards Association