Deutsch: Fahrzeug / Español: Vehículo / Português: Veículo / Français: Véhicule / Italiano: Veicolo /
The term vehicle may refer to the following:
- a machine, usually self-powered and self-propelled, that may be used to transport people or goods from one place to another via land, air or sea
- an inactive or inert substance or medium that may be combined with a medicine, pigment or other active material in order to give it bulk or facilitate in its administration
- an artistic medium that is intended to showcase the skills or qualities of a particular performer or group of performers
- a 1990 album by New Zealander indie rock band, The Clean
- a 1970 by band American rock band, The Ides of March
- the title track of the same name from the aforementioned album
- Braitenberg vehicles, simple machines conceived by Italian-Austrian cyberneticist Valentino Braitenberg in a thought experiment regarding artificial intelligence
-see also:
"Vehicle" is in the NAICS Code "3361"
(Motor Vehicle ManufacturingMotor Vehicle Manufacturing)
"Vehicle" is in the UNSPSC Code "25172100"
Vehicle safety and security systems and components
Ref: 122667/2006-09-19