Glossary M
Deutsch: Modernisierung / Español: Modernización / Português: Modernização / Français: Modernisation / Italiano: Modernizzazione
Modernization in the industrial context refers to the process of upgrading or transforming existing industrial infrastructure, systems, and processes to adopt newer technologies, improve efficiency, and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market. This often involves replacing outdated machinery, integrating digital solutions like automation and data analytics, and improving energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. Modernization is essential for industries to adapt to changing regulatory requirements, market demands, and technological advancements.
Deutsch: Maschinelles Lernen / Español: Aprendizaje Automático / Português: Aprendizado de Máquina / Français: Apprentissage Automatique / Italiano: Apprendimento Automatico
Machine learning in the industrial context refers to the use of algorithms and statistical models that enable computers and systems to perform tasks without explicit instructions by learning from data and making data-driven decisions or predictions. In industry, machine learning is applied to optimise processes, improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance decision-making through predictive analytics, automation, and intelligent insights.
Deutsch: Marktforschung / Español: Investigación de Mercado / Português: Pesquisa de Mercado / Français: Étude de Marché / Italiano: Ricerca di Mercato
Market research in the industrial context refers to the systematic process of gathering, analysing, and interpreting information about market trends, customer needs, competition, and other factors that influence the industrial sector. This type of research helps companies in the industrial sector make informed decisions regarding product development, marketing strategies, business expansion, and overall market positioning.
Deutsch: Hersteller / Español: Fabricante / Português: Fabricante / Français: Fabricant / Italiano: Produttore
Maker in the context of industry refers to an individual or company that designs, produces, or manufactures goods or products, often with a focus on innovation, craftsmanship, or small-scale production. The term can apply to traditional manufacturers, artisans, or companies involved in various stages of product creation, from concept and design to final production.
Deutsch: Mikrobiologe / Español: Microbiólogo / Português: Microbiologista / Français: Microbiologiste / Italiano: Microbiologo
Microbiologist refers to a scientist who studies microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and algae. In the industrial context, microbiologists play a crucial role in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, biotechnology, and environmental management, where they apply their expertise to improve processes, ensure product safety, and develop new technologies.
Deutsch: Monosaccharid / Español: Monosacárido / Português: Monossacarídeo / Français: Monosaccharide / Italiano: Monosaccaride
Monosaccharide refers to the simplest form of carbohydrates, consisting of a single sugar molecule such as glucose, fructose, or galactose. In the industrial context, monosaccharides play a crucial role in various industries, including food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology.
Deutsch: Mikroskop / Español: microscopio / Português: microscópio / Français: microscope / Italiano: microscopio
A microscope is an optical instrument used for magnifying small objects that are not visible to the naked eye. In the industrial context, it is used for a variety of applications, including quality control, materials research, and failure analysis.
Deutsch: Motivation / Español: motivación / Português: motivação / Français: motivation / Italiano: motivazione
Motivation in the industrial context refers to the internal and external factors that stimulate employees to be engaged, productive, and committed to their work. It encompasses the various strategies and practices that industrial organisations implement to encourage workers to perform at their best.