Deutsch: Absorption / Español: Absorción / Português: Absorção / Français: Absorption / Italiano: Assorbimento /

Absorption is a phenomenon that occurs when matter crosses from one phase to another passing through the border surface and in the other phase more or less monotonously distributes itself in a concentration higher than the one within the first phase.

-see also:
"Absorption" is in the UNSPSC Code "40161509"
Absorption filters

Ref: 120800/2006-09-19

Absorption refers to the taking in or soaking up of one substance into the body of another by molecular or chemical action (as tree roots absorb dissolved nutrients in the soil).

-see also:
"Absorption" is in the UNSPSC Code "40161509"
Absorption filters

Ref: 86386/2006-09-14

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Absorption Barrier (An Absorption Barrier is any of the exchange. ..)