Deutsch: Gasabsorber / Español: Absorbedor de gas / Português: Absorvedor de gás / Français: Absorbeur de gaz / Italiano: Assorbitore di gas

A gas absorber in the industrial and industry context refers to equipment used to remove one or more specific components from a gas stream. This process is crucial in controlling air pollution, processing gases in chemical production, and in various other applications where impurities or specific gases need to be removed from exhaust streams or air supplies.


Gas absorbers work by exposing the contaminated gas stream to a liquid solvent that selectively absorbs the undesirable components. The process can involve physical or chemical absorption depending on the nature of the gas and the solvent used. In physical absorption, the gas dissolves into the liquid based on its solubility, and no chemical reaction occurs. In chemical absorption, the target gas component reacts chemically with the solvent, forming a new compound, which is often easier to remove.

These systems are commonly configured as towers in which the gas stream is introduced at the bottom and flows upward, while the liquid solvent is distributed from the top and flows downward, countercurrent to the gas. This setup maximizes the contact area between the gas and the liquid, enhancing the efficiency of the absorption process.

Application Areas

Gas absorbers are used in a wide range of industries, including:

  • Chemical Manufacturing: To capture and recycle valuable chemicals or remove harmful contaminants.
  • Air Pollution Control: To remove toxic or corrosive components such as sulfur dioxide (SO2) and hydrogen chloride (HCl) from flue gases.
  • Natural Gas Processing: To purify natural gas by removing contaminants like carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) that can corrode pipelines.
  • Ventilation and HVAC Systems: To improve air quality by removing pollutants and odors.

Well-Known Examples

Common types of gas absorbers include:

  • Packed Bed Absorbers: These contain layers of packing material that increase the contact surface area between the gas and the liquid.
  • Spray Towers: Where the gas passes through sprays of the solvent, allowing for efficient mass transfer.
  • Plate Towers: These use trays or plates to distribute the liquid solvent and provide stages for gas-liquid contact.

Treatment and Risks

The operation of gas absorbers involves several considerations and potential risks:

  • Corrosion: Acidic or reactive gases and some solvents can corrode the equipment, requiring the use of corrosion-resistant materials.
  • Solvent Management: Efficient handling, recycling, and disposal of the solvent are essential to prevent environmental contamination and to reduce operating costs.
  • Efficiency: The efficiency of a gas absorber depends on the proper selection of solvent, good maintenance of the equipment, and optimal operating conditions.

Similar Terms

  • Scrubber: Often used interchangeably with gas absorber, though scrubbers typically imply a device that removes particulates or gases from exhaust streams.
  • Stripping: The opposite of absorption, where a liquid component is removed from a mixture by passing a gas through it.
  • Gas Purification: A broader term that encompasses various methods, including absorption, to clean gas streams of impurities.

Articles with 'Gas absorber' in the title

  • Acid gas absorber: Acid gas absorber: Acid Gas Absorber- An acid gas absorber in the industrial context is a critical piece of equipment used primarily in chemical processing, petrochemical industries, and environmental management systems


Gas absorbers are essential equipment in industries where gas purity is crucial for environmental compliance, process efficiency, or product quality. They are vital for protecting both the environment and the health of populations exposed to industrial gases.


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