Engineering service is characterized as any professional service or creative work requiring engineering education, training, and experience

An electric embedder is a device used in beekeeping to allow the rapid embedding of wires in a comb foundation via heat produced by electricity.

Explosive refers to a chemical compound, mixture, device etc. that is capable of exploding. Likewise, it is a compound or mixture susceptible (by heat, shock, friction or other impulse) to a rapid chemical reaction, decomposition or combustion with the rapid generation of heat and gases with a combined volume much larger than the original substance.

Electronic marketing is characterized as marketing which is tied to an electronic POS system; typically a frequent shopper program which tracks individual consumer purchases by dollar or by type. Also includes coupon machines at the front of stores and coupons from the register tape from related purchases.

End cap refers to a mass display stacked against the end of a gondola or tier of products in a store.
Ref: 123904/2006-10-03

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Lexicon from 'End cap' until 'Extrusions'
Lexicon from 'End cap' until 'Extrusions'

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): Cape, Capers, Capes
- Electronic data interchange (EDI) : Electronic data interchange (EDI) is described as an exchange of business data through computers between trading partners.
Ref: 123902/2006-10-03

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
EDI (EDI is the acronym of electronic data interchange .)

Endangered species is characterized as any species or subspecies in immediate danger of becoming extinct throughout all or a significant portion of its range.

Enameled glass is described as a glass decorated with particles of translucent glass or glass-like material, usually of a contrasting color, which fuses to the surface under heat.

Multi-colored designs, as well as monochrome coatings, can be created.
Ref: 123915/2006-10-03

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Glas (Glas ist ein Produkt aus Quarzsand, Soda, Kalk ...)
Glas (Glas ist ein Produkt aus Quarzsand, Soda, Kalk ...)
Glass (Glass is characterized as a hard, brittle, ...)