Deutsch: Milchwirtschaft / Español: Ganadería Lechera / Português: Pecuária Leiteira / Français: Élevage Laitier / Italiano: Allevamento Lattiero-caseario

Dairy farming in the industrial context refers to the large-scale production and processing of milk and milk products from cows, goats, sheep, or other animals. This sector combines traditional farming practices with modern technology and management strategies to increase efficiency, productivity, and sustainability. Industrial dairy farming involves breeding, raising, and milking animals; collecting and storing milk; and often processing it on-site or at nearby facilities into various dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, butter, and cream.


Modern dairy farming is characterized by the use of advanced breeding techniques, nutritional management, and automated milking and feeding systems to optimize milk production and animal health. It also includes rigorous health and sanitation standards to ensure the safety and quality of milk and dairy products. Sustainability practices, such as waste management and resource conservation, are increasingly important in this context.

Application Areas

  • Milk Production: The primary focus of dairy farming, involving the breeding and care of dairy animals for milk production.
  • Dairy Product Manufacturing: Processing raw milk into cheese, yogurt, butter, ice cream, and other dairy products.
  • Nutrition and Animal Health: Implementing feeding strategies and health care practices to maximize milk yield and ensure the well-being of the animals.
  • Sustainability Practices: Managing resources and operations to minimize environmental impact, including waste management and energy use.

Well-Known Examples

  • Large dairy cooperatives and companies like Fonterra in New Zealand and Dairy Farmers of America in the United States, which handle vast quantities of milk and have extensive processing facilities.
  • The implementation of robotic milking systems, which allow cows to be milked with minimal human intervention, improving efficiency and animal welfare.

Treatment and Risks

Industrial dairy farming faces challenges such as managing animal health and welfare, reducing environmental impact, and adapting to changing market demands and regulatory standards. Issues like antibiotic resistance, greenhouse gas emissions, and the need for sustainable water use are critical concerns that require ongoing attention and innovation.

Similar Terms or Synonyms

  • Milk production
  • Industrial livestock production
  • Intensive dairy farming


Dairy farming in the industrial context is a sophisticated sector that plays a crucial role in the global food system, providing a wide array of nutritious dairy products. Through advancements in technology and management, the industry seeks to meet growing demands while addressing environmental sustainability and animal welfare challenges.


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