Auxiliary hoist pertains to a supplemental hoisting unit, usually of lower load rating and higher speed than the main hoist.
Ref: 124403/2006-10-27

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Hoist (Hoist refers to a suspended machinery unit that ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): Hoists, hoists
Axial compression is pertaining to an axial force causing compression in a member.
Ref: 122151/2006-09-25

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Press (Press denotes a machine having a stationary bed ...)
Axial force (Axial force is relating to a force tending to ...)
Axial (Axial is described as the position as it relates ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): compressions
Axial flow fan is a development of the propeller fan, but is more efficient by 70%-80% due mainly to the aerofoil section blade s and finer clearances between the impeller blade tips and the cylindrical fan casing.
Ref: 122155/2006-09-25

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Development (Development means the carrying out of building, ...)
Development (Development refers to the systematic and ...)
Casing (Casing relates to a packaging material for ...)
Axial (Axial is described as the position as it relates ...)

Axial force is relating to a force tending to elongate or shorten a member.
Ref: 122150/2006-09-25

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Axial compression (Axial compression is pertaining to an axial force ...)
Axial tension (Axial tension is described as an axial force ...)
Axial (Axial is described as the position as it relates ...)
Axial gage factor refers to gage factor of a strain gage subjected to a uniaxial strain in the transverse and longitudinal directions, the ratio of which is the transverse sensitivity coefficient of the strain gage
Ref: 122149/2006-09-25

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Axial (Axial is described as the position as it relates ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): factors
Axial pitch refers to the the distance in an axial plane surface between corresponding adjacent tooth profiles.
Ref: 122224/2006-10-06

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Axial (Axial is described as the position as it relates ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): pitchers
Axial pressure angle means the angle between the tangent to the tooth profile in an axial plane at the pitch surface and a line perpendicular to the axis.
Ref: 122225/2006-10-06

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Press (Press denotes a machine having a stationary bed ...)
Angle (Angle is characterized as a hot rolled shape. ..)
Axial (Axial is described as the position as it relates ...)
Axial rake applies to angular cutting faces, not helical or spiral. It is the angle between a plane containing the cutting face, or tangent to the cutting face at a given point, and the reamer axis.
Ref: 122133/2006-09-23

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Axial (Axial is described as the position as it relates ...)
Reamer (Reamer is another term for juicer. It refers to a ...)
reamer (Reamer is another term for juicer. It refers to a ...)