Admission can pertain to:
1. Admitting, being admitted;

Arrowhead described as indicator shaped like an elongated triangle used at the end of a lead line to direct attention to an object or a point of reference.

Arch pertains to a mechanical arrangement of building materials which are put together , generally along a curved line, in such a way that, supported by piers, abutments, or walls, they carry weight and resist pressure.

Deutsch: Alkohol / Español: Alcohol / Português: Álcool / Français: Alcool / Italiano: Alcol /

Alcohol although in ordinary conversation ethyl alcohol is generally referred to merely as 'alcohol' that term applied to a long series of hydroxy organic compounds beginning with the one-carbon compound methanol, or methyl alcohol.

An Aircraft concerned with any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air otherwise than by the reactions of the air against the surface of the earth.

Aparatos is a Spanish word which means apparatus.

An Animal product describes any animal material that has been processed (other than simply transported or stored in such a way as not to involve any alteration to its nature) for the purpose, or ultimate purpose, of consumption or other use by humans or animals.

Deutsch: Tierfutter / Español: Alimento para animales / Português: Ração animal / Français: Alimentation animale / Italiano: Alimenti per animali /

Animal feed refer to the quantities of product used for animal feed and/or for the manufacture of foodstuffs for animals.