Weathering is described as the attack on glass surface by atmospheric elements.

Ref: 122783/2006-10-06

Weathering is described as the exposure of raw clay to natural elements which break down particle size and render the clay more plastic.

Ref: 122776/2006-10-03

Weathering is characterized as the destructive effects of air, wind, water or ice, by which rocks are changed in colour, texture, composition or form. Most weathering occurs at the surface, but it may take place deep under the surface as water and oxygen penetrates into rocks through joints.

Ref: 122727/2006-09-27

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Weather (Weather is the specific condition of the ...)
ICE (ICE is an acronym for internal-combustion engine ...)
Ice (ICE is an acronym for internal-combustion engine. ..)