Type NP glass pertains to general purpose soda lime glass.
Ref: 124350/2006-10-19

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Lexicon from 'Tolerance' until 'Type NP glass'
Lexicon from 'Tolerance' until 'Type NP glass'
Glass (Glass is characterized as a hard, brittle, ...)
Glas (Glas ist ein Produkt aus Quarzsand, Soda, Kalk ...)
Glas (Glas ist ein Produkt aus Quarzsand, Soda, Kalk ...)

Deutsch: Drehscheibe / Español: Plataforma giratoria / Português: Mesa giratória / Français: Plateau tournant / Italiano: Tavola rotante

Turntable refers to a rotating platform or device used in various industrial applications to facilitate the movement, positioning, and processing of objects. In the industrial context, turntables are essential for improving efficiency and ergonomics in manufacturing, assembly, and material handling operations.