Tuberous stem is characterized as the swollen section on underground portion of main stem, used for food storage and asexual propagation.
Ref: 124279/2006-10-01

Tunable dye laser is described as a laser whose active medium is a liquid dye, pumped by another laser or flash lamps, to produce various colors of light. The color of light may be tuned by adjusting optical tuning elements and/or changing the dye used.
Ref: 124191/2006-09-23

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Laser (Eine Laserlichtquelle erzeugt eine monochromatische ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): Lasers
Tugboat is characterized as a small powerful boat used to help move barges and ships in confined areas.

-see also:
"Tugboat" is in the UNSPSC Code "78141701"
  Tugboat services

"Tugboat" is in the NAICS Code "488330"
  Navigational Services to Shipping
  Tugboat services, harbor operation
Ref: 122267/2006-10-09

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Boat (Boat is described as a small vessel used to ...)
Barge (The cargo -carrying vehicle used primarily by ...)

Turmeric is a product of a dried root from the ginger family. It is a naturally occurring ingredient used for flavor and/or color.

-see also:
"Turmeric" is in the HS Code "0910"
  Ginger, Saffron, Turmeric (Curcuma), Thyme, Bay Leaves, Curry And Other Spices.
Ref: 124290/2006-10-01

Tungsten lighting is also referred to as incandescent lighting. Tungsten color temperature is 3200K. A common type of tungsten lamp is called a halogen lamp. Halogen is a hot light source since the bulb must heat the regenerative tungsten. Tungsten lamps are efficient in their light output but care needs to be taken when using them due to the high heat of the lamps and housings.
Ref: 124169/2006-09-22

Twig is described as a small store operated by a department store that carries only a very limited amount of merchandise, usually focusing on a few related items.
Ref: 124308/2006-10-03

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): twigs
Two-stage compressor refers to a machines in which air or gas is compressed from initial pressure to an intermediate pressure in one or more cylinders or casings.
Ref: 122810/2006-10-11

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Press (Press denotes a machine having a stationary bed ...)
Compressor (Compressor refers to the pump that moves the ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): compressors
Type I glass refers to containers made of Type I borosilicate glass are generally used for preparations that are intended for parenteral administration. This is characterized as highly resistant borosilicate glass.
Ref: 124347/2006-10-19

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Glass (Glass is characterized as a hard, brittle, ...)
Container ((EDV-technisches) Objekt, das aus verschiedenen ...)
Glas (Glas ist ein Produkt aus Quarzsand, Soda, Kalk ...)
Glas (Glas ist ein Produkt aus Quarzsand, Soda, Kalk ...)
Container (Gro?beh?lter zum Transport von losen oder wenig ...)