Tackle refers to a weight-lifting machine typically composed of a pair of pulley-block s (one fixed, one mobile) housing sheaves, with a rope running in their grooves.
The polyspaston performs the same function as the tackle, but the sheaves are arranged end-to-end in two parallel rows instead of rotating on a common axle as in a standard block. It is also known as polyspaston
In power boating or sailing, ground tackle is defined as equipment such as anchors, chains or lines for holding fast a vessel to the bottom.
In fishing tackle is defined as the gear used by an angler or a commercial fisher to catch fish
In football defensive tackle is referring to a defensive player who lines up on the interior of the defensive line.
-see also:
"Tackle" is in the HS Code "8425"
Pulley Tackle And Hoists Other Than Skip Hoist; Winches And Capstans; Jacks
Tackle refers to the equipment, gear (especially for fishing); device for lifting and lowering objects; tools, implements
-see also:
"Tackle" is in the HS Code "8425"
Pulley Tackle And Hoists Other Than Skip Hoist; Winches And Capstans; Jacks
Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Derrick (Derrick is a tall frame with tackle for ...)
Clutch (Clutch is a group of eggs that is layed by female ...)
Fishing, Hunting and Trapping (Fishing, Hunting and Trapping - industries in the ...)
Fishing (Fishing this industry comprises establishments. ..)
fishing line (Fishing line is type of fishing tool with hooks. ..)
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Fishing this industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in the commercial catching or taking . . . Read More | |
'Derrick' | ■■■■■■■ |
Derrick is a tall frame with tackle for hoisting heavy weights. It is also called the upper part of an . . . Read More |