Deutsch: Schrott / Español: Chatarra / Português: Sucata / Français: Ferraille / Italiano: Cascame
Scrap consists of recyclable materials left over from product manufacturing and consumption, such as parts of vehicles, building supplies, and surplus materials. Unlike waste, scrap can have significant monetary value.

In an industrial or industry context, the term "scrap" typically refers to waste materials, including by-products, discarded products, and other unwanted materials generated during the production of goods. This can include a wide range of products and industries, such as:

  • Metal recycling: scrap metal is collected, sorted, and processed to produce new metal products.

  • Electronic waste (e-waste) recycling: scrap electronics are collected, disassembled, and processed to recover valuable materials and reduce environmental impacts.

  • Paper recycling: scrap paper is collected, sorted, and processed to produce new paper products.

  • Plastic recycling: scrap plastic is collected, sorted, and processed to produce new plastic products.

  • Textile recycling: scrap textiles are collected, sorted, and processed to produce new textile products or recycled fibers.

  • Waste-to-energy: scrap waste is burned to produce energy in waste-to-energy facilities.

  • Scrap trading: scrap materials are bought, sold, and traded in the scrap trading industry.

  • Salvage and demolition: scrap materials are recovered and salvaged from buildings, ships, vehicles, and other structures during demolition and salvage operations.

These are just a few examples of the many products and industries that are related to "scrap" in an industrial or industry context.

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