Deutsch: Kleidung / Español: Ropa / Português: Roupa / Français: Vétement / Italiano: Abbigliamento
Clothing is fiber and textile material worn on the body. The wearing of clothing is mostly restricted to human beings and is a feature of nearly all human societies. The amount and type of clothing worn depends on physical, social and geographic considerations, including sex (some clothing-types can be gender-specific: since about the First World War in Anglo-American societies blue has been associated with boys and pink with girls).

In the industrial and manufacturing context, "clothing" refers to the production and manufacturing of garments, textiles, and other apparel items. This can include the design, development, sourcing of materials, cutting, sewing, and final assembly of the products.

Examples of clothing in the industrial and manufacturing industry include:

  • Producing t-shirts, pants, and other basic clothing items
  • Producing fashion clothing such as dresses, suits, and jackets
  • Producing sportswear and active wear
  • Producing workwear such as uniforms, safety wear, and protective clothing
  • Producing technical textiles such as flame-resistant, water-resistant, or UV-protective clothing
  • Producing accessories such as scarfs, hats, gloves, and bags

The clothing industry is a global industry, with production and manufacturing taking place in many countries around the world. The process of clothing production can vary depending on the type of clothing, the materials used, and the size of the production run. Some clothing manufacturers use traditional methods and processes, while others use more advanced technology, such as computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) systems to improve efficiency and quality.

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