Deutsch: Forschung und Entwicklung / Español: Investigación y desarrollo / Português: Pesquisa e desenvolvimento / Français: Recherche et développement / Italiano: Ricerca e sviluppo

Research and Development (R&D) in the industrial and industry context refers to the set of innovative activities undertaken by corporations or governments in developing new products or services, or in improving existing ones. R&D is a crucial component of innovation and a core factor in the economic growth and competitiveness of businesses and nations alike.


R&D activities combine scientific and technological research to conceive and design new products, processes, or services, or to improve upon the existing ones. These activities often lead to innovation that can provide a competitive edge in the marketplace. R&D is typically divided into three categories: basic research, applied research, and development. Basic research is driven by a desire to expand knowledge and involves experimental or theoretical work with no immediate application. Applied research is directed towards specific objectives, such as the development of new technologies. Development is the process of turning research outcomes into commercial products or processes.

Application Areas

R&D plays a pivotal role across various sectors, with significant applications in:

Well-Known Examples

Some notable examples of successful R&D projects include:

  • The development of the iPhone by Apple: A game-changer in the smartphone industry, combining internet connectivity, touchscreen technology, and mobile phone capabilities.
  • The creation of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines by companies like Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna: Representing a significant advancement in vaccine technology and development speed.
  • Google’s self-driving car project (Waymo): Pioneering autonomous vehicle technology.

Treatment and Risks

R&D activities are inherently risky as they involve a significant investment of time and resources with no guaranteed outcome. However, these activities are essential for innovation, growth, and maintaining competitive advantage. To manage the risks, companies often invest in diverse R&D projects, collaborate with academic institutions, and seek government grants and incentives. Intellectual property protection, such as patents, is also crucial to safeguard new inventions and recover R&D investments.

Similar Terms or Synonyms



Research and Development (R&D) is a vital activity in the industrial and industry sectors, driving innovation, technological advancements, and economic growth. It allows companies to develop new products and services or improve existing ones, maintaining their competitive edge in the global market. Despite its inherent risks, R&D is crucial for long-term success and sustainability in an increasingly technology-driven world.


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