Deutsch: Prozess / Español: Proceso / Português: Processo / Français: Processus / Italiano: Processo /

Process refers to a natural phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result. A series of actions or operations leading to an end.

A continuous operation or treatment in manufacturing. Continuous and regular production executed in a definite, uninterrupted manner.

-see also:
"Process" is in the NAICS Code "333994"
(Industrial Process Furnace and Oven ManufacturingJapanning ovens manufacturing)

"Process" is in the UNSPSC Code "40101818"
Process air heaters

Ref: 120971/2006-10-08

Process means the preparation of a substance, listed in Schedule 1, after its manufacture, for commercial distribution and includes preparation of a substance in the same physical state or chemical form as that received by the facility, or preparation which produces a change in physical state or chemical form.

-see also:
"Process" is in the NAICS Code "333994"
(Industrial Process Furnace and Oven ManufacturingKilns (except cement, chemical, wood) manufacturing)

"Process" is in the UNSPSC Code "40101818"
Process air heaters

- 87261/2006-09-17

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