Glossary P
Deutsch: Verpackung / Español: Embalaje / Português: Embalagem / Français: Emballage / Italiano: Imballaggio /
Packaging refers to any material used in the fabrication or sealing of a packaging system or primary package material used to make packages.
Deutsch: Prozess / Español: Proceso / Português: Processo / Français: Processus / Italiano: Processo /
Process refers to a natural phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result. A series of actions or operations leading to an end.
Product Code Classification Database refers to the classification database that contains medical device names and associated information developed by the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) in support of its mission.
The term parison may refer to the following:
Deutsch: Sperrholz, French - bois contre-plaqué, Spanish - madera contrachapada
The term plywood refers to a type of structural material that is composed of multiple layers (or plies) of wood veneer that are stuck together in such a way as to ensure that the wood grain of the adjoining layers are at right angles to each other, thus making the resulting material stronger and more resistant to warping or other deformities.
The term pig may refer to the following: