Glossary O
Ophthalmic refractometer is a diagnostic device which is described as an automatic AC-powered device that consists of a fixation system, a measurement and recording system, and an alignment system intended to measure the refractive power of the eye by measuring light reflexes from the retina.
Operator refers to someone who owns or operates a business; one who performs some act upon the human body by means of the hand, or with instruments, or one who, or that which, operates or produces an effect.
Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) has something to do with vehicle (or computer) manufacturers that provide the original design and materials for assembly and manufacture of their product. They are directly responsible for manufacturing and modifying vehicles (computers), making the vehicles (computers) commercially available, and providing a warranty for the finished product.
Offshore installation means an offshore drilling unit, production platform or ship, or subsea installation attached or anchored to the continental shelf of Canada in connection with the exploitation of oil or gas.
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Obscure glass pertains to any textured glass (frosted, etched, fluted, ground, etc.) used for privacy, light diffusion, or decorative effects.
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