Handled is described as fitted with or having a handle or having a usually specified type of handle; as, a D-Handle - a standard handle for a short-handled stick tool used for gardening

Example: Trainer which is a red-handled non-sharpened knife used for training and practice purposes.
Ref: 120598/2006-09-19

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Peel (Peel refers to a long-handled, usually wooden, ...)
Tanaka (Tanaka is an Arabic name for the long-handled, ...)
Sledge hammer (Sledge hammer is characterized as long handled ...)

Harvester-threshers are power farming machines . It is more often called the "combine" as it combines several operations into a single operation. With the help of the combine, harvesting and threshing are done simultaneously thereby eliminating several expensive operations formerly needed such as binding, shocking, stacking, pitching bundles and hauling crop to the thresher.

Combines now harvest all the grain crops, roots crops, most of the vine crops and corn crop. The combine as a whole unit performs six major operations.
Ref: 124107/2006-09-19

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Harvest (Harvest is defined as to pick the fully matured plant.)
Harmonium is a term used to describe a musical instrument which is both a keyboard and a wind instrument. It is small, portable organ-like instrument patented in 1842; eventually a name given to any sort of reed organ. The sound is produced by air going through the bellows that is activated by a pedal that also makes the reeds vibrate. European and American harmoniums have a pedestal, and foot pedals to pump the bellows. The player sits in a chair and uses both hands.
The harmonium was developed in the 1840s by Alexandre Debain and was preceded by the accordion and the mouth organ (or harmonica).
Ref: 120599/2006-09-19

Hay Farming - this industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing hay, alfalfa, clover, and/or mixed hay.

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing hay, alfalfa, clover, and/or mixed hay.
NAICS Code 111940

-see also:
"Hay Farming" is in the NAICS Code "11194"
  Hay Farming
- 87303/2006-09-17

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Farm (Farm is characterized as an area of land and its ...)
Hay (Hay is characterized as a grass that is cut and ...)

Harpoon refers to method of catching big fishes through hand-held equipment or fired from a gun. Harpoons target high-value fishes. There is no problem encountered regarding bycatch since theyare aimed at individual fish.
Ref: 124371/2006-10-21

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
harpooning (A harpooning is a surface method of fishing that ...)
Harpooning (Harpooning is a surface method that requires ...)
Harp (Harp is described as one of the largest of all ...)
Chisel (Chisel is described as an edge tool or ...)
Gun (Gun pertains to rifles, shotguns, handguns and ...)

Hay making is described as dessication or dry storage where the product obtained is hay, containing less than 15 % water.

During tedding, green forage is cut and dried as quickly as possible. Drying can be done naturally (exposure to the sun on the ground aerating the forage regularly by turning it over) or artificially by active circulation of air. Sun-drying requires 2 or 3 days without rain. The hay must then be kept in appropriate conditions (covered area). If, when harvesting, the grass has matured and has already dried standing, it is not hay but straw.
Ref: 124109/2006-09-19

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Hay (Hay is characterized as a grass that is cut and ...)
Aerating (Aerating means adding air to water. In ...)
Forage (Forage is a term used to refer to: (a) browse ...)

Hay-loading machines refers to a type of agricultural machinery that lift the hay upon vehicles. The Douglas machine, consists of a frame hinged to the rear of the wagon, and suspended by chains, by which it can be raised and lowered at will. Upon the hinged frame stands an upright frame, carrying rollers at its top and bottom, Around the rollers pass leather belts, armed with steel spurs, which pick up the hay as the wagon passes over it. The lower rollers are rotated by chain-gear from the rear axle of the wagon.
Ref: 86338/2006-09-14

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Frame (Frame refers to a component of manual wheelchair. ..)
Hay (Hay is characterized as a grass that is cut and ...)
frame (A frame is a representation of a population, used ...)