Deutsch: Rauchgasentschwefelung / Español: Desulfuración de Gases de Combustión / Português: Dessulfurização de Gases de Combustão / Français: Désulfuration des Gaz de Fumée / Italiano: Desolforazione dei Gas di Combustione

Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) is an industrial process used to remove sulfur dioxide (SO₂) from the exhaust flue gases produced by fossil fuel power plants, industrial boilers, and other sources that burn sulfur-containing fuels such as coal, oil, or heavy industrial waste. This process is critical for reducing air pollution, improving air quality, and ensuring compliance with environmental regulations. FGD systems are commonly used in power generation, chemical production, and other industries that release large amounts of sulfur dioxide, a major contributor to acid rain.


Flue Gas Desulfurization is part of a broader category of air pollution control technologies that target the reduction of sulfur emissions from industrial operations. The process works by chemically removing sulfur dioxide (SO₂) from the flue gas before it is released into the atmosphere, thus preventing harmful environmental impacts. FGD technologies are highly effective in reducing SO₂ emissions, with removal efficiencies typically exceeding 90%.

The FGD process can be classified into wet, dry, and semi-dry methods:

  1. Wet FGD Systems: The most common and efficient method, wet FGD systems involve the use of a liquid sorbent, typically a slurry of limestone (calcium carbonate) or lime (calcium oxide), which reacts with sulfur dioxide in the flue gas to form calcium sulfate (CaSO₄), commonly known as gypsum. The process occurs in a scrubber, where the flue gas is sprayed with the slurry, and the SO₂ is absorbed and neutralized. The resulting by-product, gypsum, is often sold for use in construction materials such as drywall.

  2. Dry FGD Systems: In dry FGD systems, a dry powder sorbent such as hydrated lime is injected into the flue gas. The sulfur dioxide reacts with the lime to form solid particulates that are captured by downstream equipment such as baghouses or electrostatic precipitators. Dry systems are typically less efficient than wet systems but are suitable for smaller facilities or locations where water availability is limited.

  3. Semi-Dry FGD Systems: These systems combine aspects of both wet and dry methods. A fine mist of lime slurry is sprayed into the flue gas, allowing for some of the reaction to occur in the gas phase. The resulting dry particles are then captured in a baghouse. Semi-dry systems are commonly used in situations where water usage needs to be minimized but higher SO₂ removal efficiencies are still required.


Flue Gas Desulfurization plays a crucial role in reducing environmental pollution and addressing climate change by mitigating sulfur dioxide emissions, which are harmful to both human health and ecosystems. SO₂ emissions are a major contributor to acid rain, which damages forests, soils, water bodies, and infrastructure. Acid rain also harms agricultural productivity by altering soil chemistry and acidifying water resources.

Additionally, the by-products of FGD, such as gypsum, can be valuable materials. In many cases, the gypsum produced during wet FGD processes is used in the construction industry, offering a sustainable way to recycle waste products. This also reduces the need for landfilling and enhances the overall environmental benefits of FGD systems.

Application Areas

  • Power Generation: FGD is widely used in coal-fired power plants, which are major sources of sulfur dioxide emissions. Power plants install FGD systems to comply with strict environmental regulations like the U.S. Clean Air Act or the European Industrial Emissions Directive, which set limits on SO₂ emissions to reduce air pollution and protect public health.

  • Petroleum Refineries: In the refining industry, FGD systems are used to treat flue gases from combustion units that process high-sulfur fuels, such as crude oil and heavy fuels. These facilities use FGD technology to meet environmental standards and reduce their sulfur emissions.

  • Cement Manufacturing: Cement plants use FGD to control sulfur emissions from the burning of coal or petcoke in kilns. The use of FGD helps these facilities comply with air quality regulations and avoid heavy fines for excess emissions.

  • Metal Smelting: The metal smelting industry, particularly in copper and nickel production, generates significant sulfur dioxide emissions. FGD systems help capture and neutralize these emissions, ensuring compliance with environmental laws and reducing acid rain-causing pollutants.

  • Pulp and Paper Industry: FGD is also used in the pulp and paper industry to control sulfur dioxide emissions from boilers and recovery furnaces. This helps the industry reduce its environmental impact and comply with regulatory requirements.

Well-Known Examples

  • China’s Coal Power Sector: China, as the world’s largest consumer of coal, has implemented widespread FGD systems in its coal-fired power plants as part of its efforts to reduce sulfur emissions and combat air pollution. By installing FGD technology, the country has significantly reduced sulfur dioxide emissions in recent decades.

  • EU Environmental Regulations: Many power plants and industrial facilities across Europe have adopted FGD systems to meet the European Union’s stringent emissions standards under the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED). These regulations require facilities to significantly reduce their sulfur emissions to protect public health and the environment.

  • Drax Power Station (UK): The Drax Power Station in the United Kingdom, one of the largest power stations in Europe, has installed FGD technology to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions from its coal-fired units. The power station's use of wet limestone FGD systems has helped significantly cut its SO₂ output.

Risks and Challenges

Despite the effectiveness of Flue Gas Desulfurization systems in reducing sulfur dioxide emissions, there are several challenges associated with their implementation:

  1. High Capital and Operating Costs: FGD systems require substantial capital investment for installation and can be expensive to operate and maintain. This includes costs for equipment, energy usage, and reagents (such as limestone or lime). Smaller facilities may find it financially difficult to justify the cost of FGD technology.

  2. Water Consumption: Wet FGD systems, which are the most common, require large amounts of water, which can be problematic in water-scarce regions. Managing and treating wastewater from these systems can also add to the operational complexity and costs.

  3. Waste Management: While gypsum is a valuable by-product of wet FGD systems, excess gypsum that cannot be sold or reused must be disposed of, often in landfills. In cases where dry FGD systems are used, the disposal of solid waste is another challenge that needs to be addressed.

  4. Energy Consumption: FGD systems consume a significant amount of energy to operate, which can reduce the overall efficiency of power plants or industrial facilities. This additional energy consumption increases operational costs and may counteract some of the environmental benefits.

  5. Corrosion: The equipment used in FGD processes, especially in wet systems, is prone to corrosion due to the harsh chemical environment created by the sulfur dioxide and reagents. This requires careful material selection, regular maintenance, and potential replacement of key components, further increasing costs.

Similar Terms

  • Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR): A technology used to reduce nitrogen oxide (NOₓ) emissions from industrial sources by injecting ammonia into the flue gas stream, typically used alongside FGD systems to reduce overall air pollution.
  • Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP): A device used to capture particulate matter (dust) from flue gases before they are released into the atmosphere. ESPs are often used in conjunction with FGD systems to control both particulate and gas-phase pollutants.
  • Wet Scrubber: A device that removes pollutants from flue gases by passing the gases through a liquid that absorbs and neutralizes harmful chemicals, such as sulfur dioxide.


Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) is a vital industrial process used to remove sulfur dioxide from the exhaust gases produced by burning sulfur-containing fuels in power plants, refineries, and other industrial facilities. FGD systems reduce air pollution, protect the environment from acid rain, and help industries comply with stringent emissions regulations. There are several types of FGD systems, including wet, dry, and semi-dry methods, each suited to different operational needs and environmental conditions. Despite its environmental benefits, FGD presents challenges such as high costs, water consumption, and waste management issues, but remains essential for reducing sulfur emissions and improving air quality.


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