Food Crops Grown Under Cover - this industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing food crops (e.g., fruits, melons, tomatoes) under glass or protective cover.

The industry is comprised of two industry sub-segments. The first comprises farms that grow mushrooms in controlled environments.

Mushroom farming includes growing mushroom spawns (i.e. the equivalent to seeds). The other industry segment comprises farms engaged in growing all other types of crops grown under protective glass (i.e. greenhouses) or other controlled environments.

The primary activities of firms in this industry are:
Vegetable crops grown under cover.
Fruit crops grown under cover.
Herb crops grown under cover.
Spice crops grown under cover.
Mushrooms grown under cover.
Mushroom spawn grown under cover.
Hydroponic crops grown under cover.
Alfalfa and bean sprouts grown under cover.

NAICS Code: 11141

-see also:
"Food Crops Grown Under Cover" is in the NAICS Code "11141"
(Food Crops Grown Under Cover Food Crops Grown Under Cover)

- 87287/2006-09-17

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Other Food Crops Grown Under Cover