Glossary D
Digital refers to a signal that consists of discrete states. A binary signal has only two states, 0 and 1.
Driftnet is characterized as a large gillnet ranging in length up to 40 miles, a driftnet is suspended vertically with floats and allowed to drift freely in the open ocean.
Dresser refers to a species of sideboard; a chest for the storage of cosmetics and clothing; long, low chest of drawers about 36 inches high by 6 feet or wider used for storing small pieces of clothing, like underwears.
Disposal means the final disposal of a substance to land fill, land application or underground injection, either on the facility site or at an off-site location.
Disperse dye is a substantially water-insoluble dye having substantivity for one or more hydrophobic fibres, e.g. cellulose acetate, and usually applied from fine aqueous dispersion.