Deutsch: Cyanoacrylat / Español: Cianoacrilato / Português: Cianoacrilato / Français: Cyanoacrylate / Italian: Cianoacrilato

Cyanoacrylate refers to a family of fast-acting adhesives commonly used in industrial applications for their strong bonding properties. These adhesives, often known as "super glue," are favoured in various industries for their ability to quickly bond a wide range of materials, including metals, plastics, and ceramics.


Cyanoacrylate in the industrial context is a type of fast-curing adhesive that forms strong bonds with a variety of materials. This adhesive is primarily used in applications where a quick and durable bond is necessary. Cyanoacrylates polymerize rapidly in the presence of moisture, making them ideal for use in environments where speed and efficiency are crucial.

  1. Bonding Properties: Cyanoacrylates are known for their excellent bonding strength and fast curing time. They can bond dissimilar materials, including metals, plastics, ceramics, and even rubber, which makes them versatile for various industrial uses.

  2. Application Methods: These adhesives can be applied using precision applicators, which are important for delicate or intricate bonding tasks. The small amount of adhesive needed for effective bonding reduces waste and increases cost-efficiency.

  3. Chemical Composition: Cyanoacrylates are derived from cyanoacrylic acid and have various ester forms. The most common types include methyl, ethyl, and butyl cyanoacrylates, each with slightly different properties tailored for specific applications.

  4. Curing Process: The curing process of cyanoacrylates is initiated by the presence of trace amounts of moisture on the surfaces to be bonded. This moisture triggers a rapid polymerization reaction, resulting in a strong adhesive bond within seconds to minutes.

  5. Industrial Uses: Cyanoacrylates are used in numerous industries, including electronics, automotive, aerospace, and medical device manufacturing. They are ideal for assembling small components, repairing cracks, and providing structural support in various products.

  6. Storage and Handling: Proper storage of cyanoacrylates is essential to maintain their shelf life. They should be kept in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture. Handling requires care to avoid accidental bonding of skin or unintended surfaces.

Special Considerations

Cyanoacrylates are highly sensitive to moisture and can bond skin upon contact. Therefore, personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves and safety goggles are recommended during use. Additionally, proper ventilation is necessary to avoid inhaling fumes, which can be irritating to the respiratory system.

Application Areas

  1. Electronics: Used for bonding small electronic components and circuit board repairs.
  2. Automotive: Employed in the assembly of interior and exterior vehicle components, as well as in repair work.
  3. Aerospace: Critical for assembling lightweight and high-strength components.
  4. Medical Devices: Utilized in the manufacturing of medical instruments and devices due to their biocompatibility and strong bonding properties.
  5. Manufacturing: General-purpose adhesive for various manufacturing processes, including plastics, ceramics, and metalworking.

Well-Known Examples

  • Loctite: A widely recognized brand of cyanoacrylate adhesives used in various industrial and consumer applications.
  • 3M Scotch-Weld: A line of industrial adhesives that includes cyanoacrylates for bonding diverse materials.
  • Super Glue: A commonly known term for cyanoacrylate adhesives used in both industrial and household settings.

Treatment and Risks


  • Application Control: Using precise applicators to control the amount of adhesive and prevent excess usage.
  • Surface Preparation: Ensuring surfaces are clean and dry to achieve optimal bonding strength.
  • Post-Bonding: Allowing adequate time for the bond to fully cure before subjecting it to stress or load.


  • Skin Bonding: Accidental contact with skin can cause bonding and requires careful removal techniques, such as soaking in warm, soapy water or using acetone-based nail polish remover.
  • Fume Inhalation: Inhaling fumes can cause respiratory irritation; hence, proper ventilation is necessary.
  • Material Compatibility: Some materials may not bond well with cyanoacrylates or could be damaged by the adhesive; testing on a small area is recommended.

Similar Terms

  • Epoxy Adhesives: Two-part adhesives that provide strong, durable bonds but have longer curing times compared to cyanoacrylates.
  • Acrylic Adhesives: Used for their strong bonding and versatility, similar to cyanoacrylates but often with different curing mechanisms and properties.
  • Anaerobic Adhesives: Curing in the absence of air, these are used for sealing and bonding in mechanical assemblies, distinct from the moisture-curing mechanism of cyanoacrylates.



Cyanoacrylate adhesives are crucial in the industrial sector due to their rapid bonding capabilities, strong adhesion to various materials, and versatility across multiple applications. They are essential in electronics, automotive, aerospace, and medical industries, where quick and reliable bonds are necessary. Despite their benefits, handling requires caution to avoid risks such as skin bonding and fume inhalation.


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