Capacity is a term that can refer to:

1. The amount of electrical energy a cell or battery contains expressed in ampere-hours.
2. The power of receiving or containing; extent of room or space; passive power; -- used in reference to physical things.

3. The power of receiving and holding ideas, knowledge, etc.; the comprehensiveness of the mind; the receptive faculty; capability of understanding or feeling.
4. Ability; power pertaining to, or resulting from, the possession of strength, wealth, or talent; possibility of being or of doing.
5. Ability; faculty; talent; capability; skill; efficiency; cleverness.
Ex. specific heat capacity? (Or specific heat.) The heat capacity of a system divided by its mass.

Aerobic capacity is the capacity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems to deliver oxygen to working muscles.

In glass manufacturing, capacity refers to the amount of space inside a container for a given amount of product. The normal volume - usually measured in ccs, mls, ounces, or grams, of a bottle, published in standard sizes used by industry. When a bottle is filled to standard capacity, the contents usually fill it up to its shoulder area.

-see also:
"Capacity" is in the HS Code "7611"
Aluminium Reservoirs,Tanks,Vats And Similar Containers, For Any Material, Of A Capacity Exceeding 30

Ref: 122300/2006-09-19

Capacity refers to the maximum number of organisms that can use a given area of habitat without degrading the habitat and without causing stresses that result in the population being reduced.

-see also:
"Capacity" is in the HS Code "7309"
Reservoirs, Tanks, Vats And The Like, Of Iron Or Steel, Capacity Over 300 Liters

Ref: 86318/2006-09-13

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Energy (Energy is defined as the capacity for doing work. ..)
ANC (acid neutralizing capacity)
alkalinity (An alkalinity is the capacity of water for ...)
Straddle Carrier (Mobile truck equipment with the capacity for ...)
IVC (Inspiratory vital capacity.)

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